Contact Us

the right way

How to improve your 'Contact Us' page: Make it easier

 1) Do not use a mailto tag with on your website (or anywhere)!
- First, using a mail tag assumes the respondent is using a device with an email app installed. If they are not, the browser tries to launch the default email client, which will fail or just be the wrong person! They may be using a device they don't really control.
- Second, people are using way more mobile devices and more likely to use a service such as gmail, which is web based. These are getting more intelligent in responding, but why risk it?
- Also, that exposes your email address to Internet bots the scour web with the expressed purpose of harvesting email addresses. You'll just get more spam email than you would have.
- At least, use a form to capture their information and send it to you. That way you can get some detail and control access to your email address.
- At best, use an intelligent form and have it perform some lead management function: Every business has at least 5 simple questions they can ask to best determine who in their organization a particular inquiry should be routed. So why not ask up front?! 

2) Please just use an intelligent form!
-Have it perform some lead qualification functions to determine what your prospect needs and who in your organization can best address those needs. Replace your fill in the blank contact information form and that perplexing essay question ('How can we help you?') with multiple choice questions about the things you do and sell.  People hate to type, but love to click.
- Again, every business has at least 5 simple questions to best determine who should respond to a RFI (request for information).  Ask these questions first so prospects can see quickly what you can do for them. Then ask how they want to be contacted (if they want contact at all!). Once you know what they want (sales, service, support, etc.), you can send the detailed message directly to the person in your business that needs to respond. NOW get the basic contact information!
- Once you've done this, its forever in a central database, so you can easily review and use the information! (Instead of buried in your staff's inboxes!)
- Using an intelligent form lets you dispense with the demeaning question 'Prove you are human'! What a turn off. Bots just can't make it through useful questions with choices. They will try, but those attempts fail to generate email, leaving you alone and your prospect unchallenged as to their humanity!

3) Respond intelligently
- If they choose email as at least one of their communication preferences, send them a personalized message back to them along with the details of their request. That way they know you got the message and actually have the results of their labor filling out your form in their hands! Way better than a simple 'we got that' message.

And here is a thought:
Why do web designers provide a simple email form that asks every prospect if they are a robot instead of a straightforward set of questions specific for your business? It's hard to tell. When I ask them about it, they trail off mumbling about 'not in the budget' and 'databases are complicated'/expensive. If you find out why, please let me know.

Landing Page Software